If you are looking for an effective, non-surgical tool to help you lose up to 70 pounds, the gastric balloon – or weight loss balloon - may be a good option. Although you may hear the balloon called “gastric balloon surgery,” this is inaccurate because the balloon procedure is not a surgical treatment.
The balloon is not a permanent device. It is left in the stomach for 6 months. During these 6 months, you will work with the team at Reem Hospital Abu Dhabi to make lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight. The 6 months of lifestyle changes, coupled with Orbera, go a long way towards jump-starting your positive and healthy changes. After 6 months, your doctor at Reem Hospital Abu Dhabi will remove the balloon the same way it was placed. You’ll be lightly sedated, and will wake up after the balloon has been taken out of your stomach.
These NON-SURGICAL procedures use what is referred to as a gastric balloon. By following the Obalon Balloon Capsule or Orbera™ Managed Weight Loss Programs, one can experience a weight loss of up to 70lbs*. Please visit our sister site at Bellyballoon.com for more information, or visit our office and consult with one of our surgeons to learn about the unique “belly balloon™”, and find out if one of these programs is right for you.
Managed Weight Loss Programs are one of a kind, and on the cutting edge in the weight loss industry. It is not a “diet program” per se, and not surgery or a diet pill regimen. Educate yourself on this weight loss option and hear about the success that other people around the world have had with the balloon. Reem Hospital Abu Dhabi weight loss balloons, . There is endoscopic placement of the balloon, but no cuts are made and no part of your anatomy is altered. The device is placed into your stomach, filled, and removed 6 months later. This is different from our other treatment options, which are all surgical and meant to be permanent.
The other important facet of the weight loss balloon is that it is more than just a device. The Orbera Weight Loss Programs are designed to support you through 6 months of weight loss with the balloon and a virtual portal option featuring support during and after the balloon is removed. This additional support is important in terms of adjusting to eating without the balloon, and learning how to maintain your successful weight loss. The gastric balloons are recommended for patients with a BMI of 30 or higher, who have not previously undergone a bariatric surgery procedure of any kind, and who have never been diagnosed with eating disorders. They are not recommended for people who have a history of functional or structural disorders of the stomach, pregnant or lactating women, or people with a history of drug or alcohol dependency.
Weight loss typically occurs more rapidly during the first three to six months of treatment, and patients can expect to lose 25-70lbs*, providing the program is followed correctly. Reem Hospital Abu Dhabi has helped thousands of patients lose weight and maintain that weight loss. Our team is experienced in the challenges bariatric patients face, and how to best help you make choices that will lead you to success.
If you think the weight loss balloon may be a good choice for you, the next step is to contact Reem Hospital Abu Dhabi. As one of the most experienced practices in the country at placing gastric balloons, we can help you understand the pros and cons of this treatment option. You can contact us here.
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